Sunday, 15 September 2013

What more can the authorities do to stop pedestrians risking their lives?

Kenyan pedestrians would rather cross a busy highway than use a footbridge

1 comment:

  1. Below are some of the reasons given by pedestrians for crossing busy highways in spite of footbridges and subways being nearby.
    1. We may be attacked by hoodlums on fotbridges and subways.
    2. The footbridge takes me too far away from my destination.
    3. Buses don't stop near them. Also parking/drop off restrictions/limitations.
    4. They are not safe - struturally unsound.
    5. Too many people using it and so takes longer to use it to cross.
    6. There are anti-social activities going on there such as touting, beggging, illegal street trading.

    What else have you heard?
